

Sleep / Delay

Add a delay to the incoming request. Useful for testing.


  "name": "my-sleep-inbound-policy",
  "policyType": "sleep-inbound",
  "handler": {
    "export": "SleepInboundPolicy",
    "module": "$import(@zuplo/runtime)",
    "options": {
      "sleepInMs": 1000


  • name the name of your policy instance. This is used as a reference in your routes.
  • policyType the identifier of the policy. This is used by the Zuplo UI. Value should be sleep-inbound.
  • handler/export The name of the exported type. Value should be SleepInboundPolicy.
  • handler/module the module containing the policy. Value should be $import(@zuplo/runtime).
  • handler/options The options for this policy:
    • sleepInMs

      The number of milliseconds to delay the request

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